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How To Design A Good Poster!

Why Should I Be Interested?

  1. Improves Your Design Skills
  2. Creates A Better Producst For Your Posters
  3. Ego Boost

What Materials Do I Need?

  1. A Device (Laptop Reconmended)
  2. Designing Program (Canva, Photoshop, etc.)
  3. Patience

Important Steps To Remember

  • Information Input
  • > be CONCISE! No one has time to be reading all of those words!

    > If it's to advertise an event, always include: Date, Location, and What's happening.

    > If it's to be informative, STILL BE CONCISE! Write your information in small paragraphs.

    My go-to is to include: Topic definition, Satistics, Sub-topics, Pictures (if you are able to but it is not always needed).

  • Color Cohesion
  • > Color cohesion is how certain colors work together that could make something look good or really bad.

    The main colors are red, white, and green. people would be able to understand that this is christmas related even without reading the words.

  • Visual Elements
  • > they are important in letting people know what your poster even is, even if they can't read the words.

    If we were to remove all the words, people would still be able to understand that this poster is music-related.